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Short Imperfective Positive & Negative Conjugation

What is the short imperfective? It is an alternative present tense conjugation in Amharic, which is used in certain situations - these will be shown in the next section. This conjugation isn't very hard to learn, as it is very similar to the present-future tense conjugations we have already covered.


Here is the positive conjugation for the verbs መፈለግ and መሄድ:


እኔ: እፈልግ ïfällïg / እሄድ ïhed

አንተ: ትፈልግ tïfällïg / ትሄድ tïhed

አንቺ: ትፈልጊ tïfällïgi / ትሄጂ tïheji

እርስዎ: ይፈልጉ yïfällïgu / ይሄዱ yïhedu

እሱ: ይፈልግ yïfällïg / ይሄድ yïhed

እሷ: ትፈልግ tïfällïg / ትሄድ tïhed

እሳቸው: ይፈልጉ yïfällïgu / ይሄድ yïhedu

እኛ: እንፈልግ ïnnïfällïg / እንሄድ ïnnïhed

እናንተ: ትፈልጉ tïfällïgu / ትሄዱ tïhedu

እነሱ: ይፈልጉ yïfällïgu / ይሄዱ yïhedu


And here is the negative conjugation:


እኔ: አልፈልግ alfällïg / አልሄድ alhed

አንተ: አትፈልግ attïfällïg / አትሄድ attïhed

አንቺ: አትፈልጊ attïfällïgi / አትሄጂ attïheji

እርስዎ: አይፈልጉ ayfällïgu / አይሄዱ ayhedu

እሱ: አይፈልግ ayfällïg / አይሄድ ayhedu

እሷ: አትፈልግ attïfällïg / አትሄድ attïhed

እሳቸው: አይፈልጉ ayfällïgu / አይሄዱ ayhedu

እኛ: አንፈልግ annïfällïg / አንሄድ annïhed

እናንተ: አትፈልጉ attïfällïgu / አትሄዱ attïhedu

እነሱ: አይፈልጉ ayfällïgu / አይሄዱ ayhedu


Does this look familiar? It's the same as the present-future tense, just without the endings. Here are the two side-by-side conjugated for እኔ and እሱ:


እኔ: እፈልጋለሁ ïfällïgalläw / እፈልግ ïfällïg

እሱ: ይፈልጋል yïfällïgal / ይፈልግ yïfällïg

እኔ: እሄዳለሁ ïhedalläw / እሄድ ïhed

እሱ: ይሄዳል yïhedal / ይሄድ yïhed


And for the negative it's the same conjugation, but without the final -:


እኔ: አልፈልግም alfällïgïm / አልፈልግ alfällïg

እሱ: አይፈልግም ayfällïgïm / አይፈልግ ayfällïg

እኔ: አልሄድም alhedïm / አልሄድ alhed

እሱ: አይሄድም ayhedïm / አይሄድ ayhed


That's all there is to know about forming this aspect of verbs. In the following lessons, you will learn the ways in which it is used in Amharic.

Created by Adam Young

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