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ኳስ የሚጫወቱት ልጆች = The children that play football/soccer
እነሱ የገዙት ምንድን ነው? = What did they buy?/What is it that they bought?
የማልወደው ብቸኛ ምግብ ዓሣ ነው = The only food that I don't like is fish
የተከፈቱትን መስኮቶች መዝጋት ትችያለሽ? = Can you shut the open windows?
Who is the man that is paying? = እየከፈለ ያለው ሰው ማን ነው?
It was the red car that I bought = የገዛሁት ቀይዋ መኪና ነበር
The texts that you corrected were easy (pl) = ያስተካከላችኋቸው ጽሑፎች ቀላል ነበሩ
The place she wants to visit is closed = መጎብኘት የምትፈልገው ቦታ የተዘጋ/ዝግ ነው
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