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Ethiopic Numerals
Earlier, in the Beginner section we learnt the numbers 1-1,000,000 in Amharic. As well as using a different script to the Latin alphabet, Amharic also uses different numerals! Note that although I have made a lesson on these numerals, the Latin numerals are used far more frequently, and so only a basic grasp of them will be enough to get around. This lesson can be skipped if you want. Here are the Ethiopic numerals:
፩ 1
፪ 2
፫ 3
፬ 4
፭ 5
፮ 6
፯ 7
፰ 8
፱ 9
፲ 10
፳ 20
፴ 30
፵ 40
፶ 50
፷ 60
፸ 70
፹ 80
፺ 90
፻ 100
፪፻ 200
፫፻ 300
፲፻ 1,000
፼ 10,000
፻፼ 1,000,000
Those are the Ethiopic numerals from 1-1,000,000. Two things which are different about these numerals are that there is no numeral for 0, and the numbers 10, 20, 30 etc. have their own symbol, not 1+0, 2+0 etc. like in English (as there isn't a 0).
Converting from western to Amharic numerals is done like this:
Take your number (for example 8,234,309)
Split it up into groups of two, working from right to left - [08][23][43][09]
Split these up into tens and units - ([08])([20][03])([40][03])([09])
Change these to Amharic numerals - (፰)(፳፫)(፵፫)(፱)
Working from the right, and starting from after the first group, add ፻ and then ፼ one after another - (፰)፻(፳፫)፼(፵፫)፻(፱)
You've now converted your number! 8,234,309 = ፰፻፳፫፼፵፫፻፱
Note that ፩ can not come before ፻ if the tens value is 0. An example would be if instead of [43] in the above number we had [01]. You'd expect to end up with ፩ and ፻, but instead, you simply have ፻. However, if the number were [11], the ፩ would be kept - ፲፩፻. This may seem confusing, but just remember that the Ethiopic numeral for 100 is simply ፻, not ፩፻. Writing ፩፻ would be like saying ‘One 'one hundred'’ in English. If there is a [00] combination, no ፻ is inserted. To see an example of these two rules, we can change the above number to 8,230,109 and 8,230,009:
8,230,109 = ፰፻፳፫፼፻፱
8,230,009 = ፰፻፳፫፼፱
Again, don't worry if you don't grasp these numerals straight away - as well as being different to ours, they are seldom used in Ethiopia. For some practice, see if you can work out what these numbers are (the answers will be in Amharic).
Ethio Numerals Questions
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