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Yohannes has two pets, but he doesn't like them. = ዮሐንስ ሁለት የቤት እንስሳት አሉት ግን አይወዳቸውም።

I didn't like it. = አልወደድኩትም።

Do you know her? (pl) = ታውቋታላችሁ?

ይህን አላስታውስም። አልተማርኩትም። = I don't remember this. I didn't learn it.

አቶ ሙሉጌታ ጎበኟቸው ወይ? = Did Mr Mulugeta visit them?

አናስተካክለውም። = We won't correct it.

Created by Adam Young

Questions/Opinions? Let me know! ጥያቄዎችዎን/አስተያየትዎን ይንገሩኝ!

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ለድረ-ገጹ የቻሉትን ያህል የገንዘብ እገዛ ቢያደርጉ ምስጋናዬ የላቀ ይሆናል።


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