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I can't go because I don't have time = ጊዜ ስለሌለኝ መሄድ አልችልም

I don't drink Coca-Cola because it's very sweet = በጣም ጣፋጭ ስለሆነ ኮካ-ኮላ አልጠጣም

Thank you for closing the door = በሩን ስለዘጋህ አመሰግናለሁ

አደገኛ ስለሆነ በረራዎች ላይ ሲጋራ ማጨስ የተከለከለ ነው = Smoking is prohibited on flights because it's dangerous

ለመነሳት ስለሚረዳኝ ቡና እጠጣለሁ = I drink coffee because it helps me wake up

መኪናዬ የሚሠራ ስላልነበረ ወደ ሥራ በአውቶቡስ ሄድኩ = I went to work by bus because my car wasn't working

Created by Adam Young

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ለድረ-ገጹ የቻሉትን ያህል የገንዘብ እገዛ ቢያደርጉ ምስጋናዬ የላቀ ይሆናል።


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