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Basic Words & Phrases

It's now time to learn some basic words and phrases in Amharic!

Key to abbreviations:

(m) = addressing a male, (f) = addressing a female, (frm) = formal, (inf) = informal,

(pl) = addressing more than 1 person

“Hello” & “How are you?”

Daytime-specific Phrases

Name & Age

Communication Phrases

General Phrases


There you have some basic words and phrases in Amharic. A few things to note:

¹ - እንዴት and እንደምን both mean ‘How?’ and are interchangeable

² - As a response to ዕድሜህ/ዕድሜሽ/ዕድሜዎ ስንት ነው?, you may also hear ... ዓመቴ ነው. This is an informal response, however.

³ - Although the words አደራችሁ, ዋላችሁ, and አመሻችሁ end in the letter combination -ችሁ, this is pronounced -ቹህ. This is due to word stress, and is the case for all words ending directly in -ችሁ. Likewise, the -ሁ ending in አመሰግናለሁ is pronounced -ው. This is also the case for all words ending directly in -ሁ.

To practice these phrases, let's look at a dialogue: Bereket and Desta meet each other for the first time. See if you can understand what they say to each other. Note:


እቸኩላለሁ = I'm in a rush

መሄድ አለብኝ = I need to go

በረከት፦ ጤና ይስጥልኝ። በረከት እባላለሁ፣ ስምዎ ማን ነው?

Bereket: Hello. I'm Bereket, what's your name?

ደስታ፦ እንደምን ዋሉ? ስሜ ደስታ ነው። እንዴት ነዎት?

Desta: Good afternoon. My name is Desta. How are you?

በረከት፦ ደህና ነኝ፣ አመሰግናለሁ። እርስዎስ?

Bereket: I'm fine, thank you. How about you?

ደስታ፦ እኔም ደህና ነኝ። ዕድሜዎ ስንት ነው?

Desta: I'm fine, too. How old are you?

በረከት፦ ዕድሜዬ ሃያ ስምንት ነው። የእርስዎስ?

Bereket: I'm 28 years old. What about you?

​ደስታ፦ ዕድሜዬ ሰላሳ አንድ ነው። ይቅርታ፣ እቸኩላለሁ፣ መሄድ አለብኝ።

Desta: I'm 31 years old. I'm sorry, I'm in a rush and need to leave.

በረከት፦ እሺ፣ ችግር የለውም። ደህና ይሁኑ።

Bereket: Ok, that's fine. Goodbye.

ደስታ፦ እርስዎም ደህና ይሁኑ። ስለተዋወቅን ደስ ብሎኛል።

Desta: Goodbye. It was nice to meet you.

Created by Adam Young

Questions/Opinions? Let me know! ጥያቄዎችዎን/አስተያየትዎን ይንገሩኝ!

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ለድረ-ገጹ የቻሉትን ያህል የገንዘብ እገዛ ቢያደርጉ ምስጋናዬ የላቀ ይሆናል።


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